Blog Post: Shifting from Retirement Planning to Longevity Planning [Best Practices]

Blog Post: Shifting from Retirement Planning to Longevity Planning [Best Practices]

Title: Shifting from Retirement Planning to Longevity Planning

Keyword: Longevity Planning

Meta Description: Longevity planning is becoming the new standard for financial planning. Retirement planning is no longer enough, it’s about financial wellness. 

Page Title: Longevity Planning is Critical | Financial Wellness Planning


Much of the financial world has changed dramatically over the last 30 years. Stocks and bonds, IRA’s and even Social Security are far different today than they used to be. It should come as no surprise, then, that retirement planning needs to change from its traditional methods to strategies more adapted to our modern world. 

Pitfalls of traditional planning

The rule of thumb used to be that a withdrawal rate of 4% would suffice your retirement needs. Now experts are saying that this might not be enough given various states of healthcare and the U.S. economy.

Conventional financial planning no longer works, so you need to be thinking about a Brave New World when it comes to managing your wealth. Stock buy-backs are at an all-time high, inflation is projected to increase, and as we’ve mentioned before, health-care related costs are surging. Planning with today’s numbers will not suffice for future expenses. Adding extra padding to any and all health-care related planning should be your norm.

We are living longer than ever, but we’re also spending more than ever. These health care costs will impact how far money goes in your golden years. On the flip side, one of the benefits of modernity is that we can project what kind of health care you will need in the future and how much it will cost, a simple hedge against ever increasing expenses.

But it’s not all gloom and doom - we promise. 

How to refresh your planning strategies

What should be the strategy moving forward then? While save often and save early is undoubtedly the most effective and straightforward strategy that you can undertake, you can also leverage the technological advancements and solutions available to you through our advising services make better projections for how much money you truly need to save for retirement.

From portfolio risk analysis tools to the HALO health and longevity optimizer solution [link to HALO page], we now have many data-driven solutions that can help us move the needle for improving your retirement planning opportunities. 

We’re also here to help you start thinking about how you see your retirement unfolding. The lifestyle you have imagined may not line up with the reality of your financial situation or projected wealth in retirement. Gone are the days of figuring out retirement as it happens, a plan needs to be put in place and adhered to if you want retirement to run smoothly. 

This new era of financial planning is sure to be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to obtain peace of mind and to help you make the most out of your golden years.