Introducing Investment Preferences [Product Guides]
The focus of the Lumiant experience has, until this point, centred on client values, goals and priorities. Once these are clearly defined, discussed and aligned between partners and advisers, we can then tailor an investment strategy that maps directly to what the client has stated is important. This module is about capturing client preferences on how their money is invested and the values driving their decisions.
One element of the Investment Preferences module is risk profiling. Advisers take clients through a survey to enable a conversation to ascertain the client’s propensity for behavioural biases and how they make decisions in critical situations. Knowing this will better inform the recommendations made by the adviser.
The Lumiant modules, when done in succession, build a level of understanding and positive goal setting, to give clients absolute confidence in their informed consent. The process has been transparent, allowing them to see that their investments match their values.
Protocol: Investment Preferences
Adviser: During the 2nd client meeting, mention that you will be sending out a survey to the clients that will help educate them on key investment concepts and gauge their preferences in regards to the investment choices they may want to make.
Associate: At the end of the meeting, the associate adviser clicks Email Survey under the Investment Preferences section in the Workbench
Clients click the link to view and complete the survey on their individual devices. Once the survey is completed, the results are available to view in the Dashboard.