To transfer Clients or Households within your business requires a Practice/Business Manager user of your site to manage the request. Simply follow this guide How to manage household access in Lumiant [How-Tos]
Transfer clients between Businesses
If your client is currently in Lumiant as a client of another business but wishes for you to take over the relationship you can transfer their Best Life Plan to your Business.
To do so:
Your Practice/Business Manager user of your site to raise a support request to transfer
Provide Client Name
Client User ID (email)
Professional User's Name (the new relationship owner)
Professional User ID (email)
For security purposes our Customer Support team will them email the Client to confirm (an provide email notice to the Professional User currently attached to them.
After 5 business days, if the client does not confirm the transfer your request will be cancelled and it will not be transferred. If your client provides confirmation, then the Customer Support team will proceed with transfer.